Update a location on your ScubaTribe profile.
Note: This method will update all fields, and unset those not posted. So to update a single field, it is necessary to first GET the location, make your changes, then update it.

Url Parameters


The ID of the location to update

Request Parameters

Parameter Description  

name * (string)

address_1 * (string)

address_2 (string)

city (string)

state (string)

zip (string)

country (string)

lon (decimal)

lat (decimal)

more_info (string)

opening (string)

on_map (1 or 0)

Should this location be shown on the map

on_side_column (1 or 0)

Should this location be listed on the profile page

on_review_form (1 or 0)

Should this location be reviewable on the review form

* denotes a required field


Parameter Description

location_id (int)

The location Id for this location

*on success

status (string)

Was this a successful request?

OK or error

error (array)

A list of errors

*on error
* denotes a response field which is not always present

Example JSON response:

On Success:

"location_id": 434,
"status": "OK"

On Error:

    "status": "error",
    "error": [
        "field": "name",
        "msg": "empty"


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